Monday, April 4, 2016

ANDI REHASNI (meeting 1)

          In this beatiful case, I need to make a reflection of virtual class. M reflection is about my experience in attending e-listening class by using nicenet, podcast and blog. I actually give an appreciate for effort that given to us espesially for me because have shown me the new method to study about English listening.
          Actually attenting e-listening class by using nicenet, podcast and blog confuse me because curious before hearing it. Then, when i heard the conversation of native speaker by podcast, it was so difdicult because my listening skill is so bad. While the conversation was quiet, and the situation of class was very noisy. But it was given me the change after hearing it. I never imagine, step by step I can understand what the native speaker said when I heard the conversation. Eventhough, I felt confused when I tried to answer the questions.
          The things went badly and the things went well, when I attend e-listening class by using nicent, podcast and blog, the network of the place was very slow. Absolutely I found difficulties to answer the questions directly. Beside that, I was so relax and enjoy it, because the speaker spoke very good. So I can take the new experience. Just try to repeat again untill I see the topic of the conversation by the speaker.
          According to my experience, I think, I need to do different way from attending e-listening class. The first, I’m going to find internet signal very good, and then I will try to repeat the material that so difficult for me. And I’ll train for the podcast episode next time more than now. Thanks a lot.

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