Monday, April 25, 2016

Asgar susanto 4 .

Assalamualaikum wr wb.
Hy guys, in this meeting, I’m going to tell you about my forth experience in joining E-listening. It was begun when I came in class and as usuall my friends and I were pleased to make a group by lecturer. Where, every groups consists of three or four students. Then, our lecturer gave us some instructions before begining the podcast. After that, we were given time to listen the podcast carefully. Thus, we could understand it which told about international musician Samy Yusuf.
Before listening the podcast, I was comfortable and glad could participate. And it was same during I listened it with my group. Eventhought, I got some difficulties to know the contents of the podcast. But over time, I could get some informations that could be used to answer the questions list. After listening the podcast, I was still doubt  about words that I had Heard.
I did not find the things that went badly. On the other contrary, I felt the things that went well since I was in podcast. It was about the network and the situation was supporting.
For this meeting, I thought that there was improvement than previous meeting. As a result, We could streamline that time so we did not need a long time to implement it. It was so difference than a few meetings ago. And also it could be effective for us to improve our listening skill. It just needed more  supporting by lecturer.
Especially for the conversation, it informed me that music had to have message which could be realized by listener.
And for the next time, The Network, ideal place and another preparations was so substantial to be watched over by lecturer include of me.
Wassalamualaikum wr wb.


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