Monday, April 4, 2016

Ulva Sri Handayani (the first meeting)

First, I want to say thanks to our lecturer because he gave us new method to study englsih special for listening skill. This method is called e-listening with the podcast. For this method we need a net and earphone or headphone to accessed it. When the lecturer gave this method, I felt exited and corious but unfortunataely when the first time I heard the podcast, I felt nervous, afraid, and confused because I never found like that before. This method became the first experience for us.
Actually when I had to hear the podcast, I felt bored but my friends always supported me to heard it because we had to answer the questions. So I tried to listen it many times so step by step I could get the main point. But for this podcast I found some problems like we had to search the quite and comfortable place to hear it, because if you were in the busy situation you would be difficult to hear the podcast and do the assignment. After that, we need the good network to listen or download it, so we had to go to search the good net or warkop to listen and download it because if we used the smartphone or mobilephone we had to spend for long time because of the smartphone had a small capacity to save the podcast. So that my friends and I agreed to look for the good place (warkop) to download it. After that we heard the podcast for many times in my house but actually I was difficult to find the main idea or the topics so I went to NEC and I asked my friend to help me. Step by step, while I heard it, I was looking for the answer also so litlle by little I got it. There were twelve question we had to answer, and there was reflection also.
I think this method make us become dicipline one because we have to prepare the time, tools and we have to focus also. The new e-listening or podcast is good for the listening skill. Although, some times we fell bore to listen because the podcast is too long. So we have to prepare a long time to heard it. Beside that we have to prepare a good net to access it and make the room become quite and comfortable, so that we can hear it clearly.

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