Monday, April 18, 2016

RUNNI ARLIN ("The Third Meeting")

I Stand With Ahmed


        Welcome to my third blog and on this blog is the same as the previous one. I will describe how these activities and how I felt when following E-Learning Listening. In the course of it, I feel a little different from the previous week. Upon implementation of  E-Learning Listening third element is not supported. Many things make me learn the spirit down.

        Before attending this event I was excited. Since I am very enthusiastic about the activities of E-Learning Listening. But after the passage of time, suddenly we realized that the room that we use belongs to another class. And they want to use that room. So we had to get out of that room. My mood a little chaotic. Coupled with the heat of the sun and the air in the room to make my mood worse. While the head of my class looking for a room, we hear the audio out doors. after getting my room to the spatial feeling bad. But thankfully the room was a bit cold. When I want to build the spirit back. It turns out it's not easy. With enough material harder than before makes me overwhelmed.

       To be honest,  in this audio I do not really understand it. Because laptop and my mood is not supported at all.
I hope that the future can be better. From the room and all the things that could support the teaching and learning process. Because that week was the worst week in my opinion. because the spirit of my study is very down.

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