Saturday, April 30, 2016


             This is the forth reflection, before I listened, we made a small grup with my friends, they were Aslina, Dewi wulandari, Hasdiana sari. The podcast talked about the internasional  muslim musician, Sami yusuf. When the host, Walid Darab interviewed. He talked that he is extremely busy now because he is working the second album, he says also music should be focus on message.
            The forth meeting, I enjoyed and was happy to join in this program because I had done it more times so I felt just so so.
            The problem of the program was the conversation very fast, especially this conversation the voice of speakers was unclearly. So, sometimes I didn’t listen carefully and could not  understand what they said.
            After I listened the podcast I tried to answer the questions and discussed with my friends. I could not answer that question, so I tried to listen the conversation again and again till I got the answer of the question.
            At that time, the situation in the class room was calm and not noisy and I liked that. All of the students was busy to listen and answer the question without disturbed the other students. After we had answered all of the questions, the lecturer gave  the true answer and I matched with my answer. After that, I uploaded in nicenet.
            Actually this is good method to improve my listening skill, not only just listening skill but also writing ability, because there is the reflection so the students must write down, I hope this method can used next time.

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